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Hostess Credit


When I thank people within 48 hours after a facial/party, I touch on four points with EVERYONE -- no matter what they bought:

1. Thank you for coming!

2. How are you doing with the products you took home? (If they bought) I'll check with you in 2 weeks to make sure you are happy!

3. Booking - confirm date and time if they booked. Offer them a chance to get together if they didn't.

4. Team Building Appointment - follow up questions if they stayed after, confirm date and time if they booked a time, or offer them a chance to get together if they didn't.


Well, I just got an email response from one of my guests at my last party...

So far my products are working great. I am trying to plan a facial party with a couple of people. Does any Monday or Wednesday work for you? Also what is the hostess credit? Just curious how much it will be!! Thanks!!


Since I was teaching Monday on this subject, I thought I'd share my response about Hostess Credit...


Well, usually Hostess Credit is $75 for $35 ($40 free) or 10 to 20% of the sales in free product (depending on how many bookings there are), the Hostess can choose which one she wants or which one is greater.  But for the next few weeks I am giving BOTH -- DOUBLE HOSTESS CREDIT -- $75 for $35 AND 10-20% of the sales!!  So a minimum of $40 and then add on 10-20% of the sales.  10% for having 2 guests, 15% when one books a follow up appointment, or 20% when I get 2 bookings.  I GUARANTEE you $100 FREE ($135 for $35 instead of $75 for $35) no matter what the sales are, when you have five adult guests!!  And there will be extra gifts, too!! 


And here's her reply. :)

Let's do the June 6th, that should work for everyone. So far I have 3 people but I bet I can get to 5!!