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COACHING - Facebook Events

COACHING - Facebook Events

I just got off a call and was explaining how I coach using Facebook Events.


First I create a Party under the Party Planner on InTouch. And I leave that window or tab open.


Then I create an event on Facebook :


Create an Event.

I use the type of party followed by a / and the hostesses name as the Title.


Set the privacy to "Invite Only"

Fill in the information about date, time, and location.

Under description the first paragraph I copy and paste the message from the Party Planner on InTouch invite for the type of party that I am coaching.

Relax. Unwind. Enjoy. Spa time is aah time. Its a pampering experience that will revive and refresh your senses and lift your spirit. Know someone else who needs some pampering? Feel free to pass along this invitation. 


Then I paste the following under EVERY party -- no matter what type of party it is:


I'm looking forward to getting together Wednesday, May 30th for your SPA PARTY! Let me know if you have anything special in mind, and what you would like to learn. We are going to have soooooooo much fun!!!


Natalie, when you share your appointment with 2 to 5 adult guests I can give you products free or at a discount! I'll message you with my May Hostess offers!


If someone can't come Wednesday, but they would like to place an order so it will count towards your Hostess Credit, they can shop in the catalog below and just put your name in the comments field when they check out. 


Also, if someone would lake a free facial or makeover and can't come Wednesday, let me know and it will also count for your Hostess Credit!! When you have TWO future Bookings you will get 20% of the SALES from your party and ANOTHER FABULOUS GIFT!!


Let me know by Tuesday night 5/29 how many to expect, so I can have everything set up when they arrive! 


I know we are going to have lots of fun!!


I add a picture... I use pictures from the Party Planner, Clip Art, or Digital Zone on InTouch.


I add three (or more) links to the bottom

1. A link to my Fan Page with the comment

Click on this link. Go to my business page at least 24 hours before the party, "Like" it (click the thumbs up!) and you will get a dollar off coupon at the party!


2. A link to my E-Catalog

If you can't come to Natalie's party, but you would like to place an order so it will count towards her Hostess Credit, you can shop on my personal website! Just click on this link to shop and put Natalie's name in the comments field when you check out!


3. Links to Mary Kay YouTube Videos about the products that will be demonstrated at this party.

Take a peek at just a few of the products you'll get to try!! if you would like a free facial or makeover and can't come to Natalie's party, let me know and it will also count toward her Hostess Credit!!


... then I send the hostess an invite.


Now she can invite her friends, and I will have a way to connect with everyone she invites on Facebook!