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Sampler Fridays

I'm passing this info on- as it's a common question I hear! The question??


Sampler Friday gets it's name from the fact that I worked 70 hrs. a week- mostly3-11 and midnights and EVERY Friday I forced myself to spend from 7am-11 am after work to build my business. SO- Each Week- I chose a product. Put a sheet 1-30 on a clipboard. You are going to ask 30 people that day to try a new Mary Kay Product. Have your Makeup on and Look SHARP! I always keep a few brochures and cards with me also.

It's SOOOO easy. You can do this with current customers and new potential customers. I don't really care- I just want you OUT to build you business!!!! (This is NOT a desk job!) Walk up and say, "Today's Sampler Friday and every Friday I sample a new Mary Kay product to 30 people that I meet. This week's product is HAND CREME. Put out your hand (SQUIRT) Doesn't it feel great?? It normally sells for $7.50 and today,it's on sale for $6.00." (SMILE) Then I have her sign her name that she was one of the people that tried it and see if it can go anywhere.

Have fun with it! I've handed MOUSSE through Drive through windows on paper towels! Everybody loves something FREE!

Here are some hints. Use a full size product A) It's sect 1 B)It eliminates the question HOW BIG IS IT OR HOW DOES IT COME? C) It's a cheap way to sample 30 people.
What this does-
1) Builds a local business where ever you go.
2) Makes you known as "the Mary Kay Lady." --Whether they buy it or not- makes no difference. What we're looking for is recognition that YOU sell Mary Kay. If a lead develops (and it always does) GREAT!!!! If not- they can refer you to others.
3) Makes you feel great to offer something to someone.
4) Builds incredible warm chatter skills and self confidence. I always teach my unit to remember that they are the BEST walking entertainment in America!! Take this lightly, smile and have an impact on 30 people. Each week at my meeting- I tell them that when all 60 of us do this on Friday that 1800(60 x 30 people) will find out that we have a business on that day!! Wow! THAT'S

This is not a one shot idea. It's to be worked each and every week- it's your committment to building a large customer base. Use simple products that need no props and are quick. ie Hand Creme. Revitalizing Lotion. Elige Creme. Triple Action Eye Enhancer. Lip Bubbles. How big did my customer base get?? In my first 5 months of the business, I had earned the use of my first Mary Kay car, recruited 17 people, was on target for Nat'l Ct. of Sales and had 300 customers in my base--WHILE I still continued to work the 60-70 hrs a week. The customer base continued to grow until I had 1200 on Preferred Customer Program.

Everytime I'd get tired I would remind myself about what this company could do for my family. And I'd Go again. And I never wanted minimum stuff,guys. I wanted the BIG STUFF. I continued to work 60-70 hrs a week at the hospital laboratory for my first 3 years in Mary Kay developing that customer base and personal consultant base. Then, we went into Directorship- won a Grand Prix in Qualification, a Cadillac in 9 months, $400,000 our first year and then the trips started. Was it worth it? YES. Did I learn to hustle and MOVE ?? YES. NO regrets. Just DO it. And DO IT FAST. And learn the basic skills- and become a MASTER at them!!!! They will pay you over and over the rest of your life!!!!!
Love you!
Deborah Dudas

From: Cathy Sylvester



SELECT ONE PRODUCT (suggest you pick the 4-5 you're going to use for the next month and order a supply of the samples from the Company.) Perhaps products you would like to move.

TAKE THE SAMPLES WITH YOU EVERYWHERE (In a small basket with cutebow) Hand one to everyone. You might choose a hand cream for one ofthe Friday's.

If it's the hand cream you might offer it for $9 + tax (which is $1off the normal price).

THE PEOPLE YOU WORK WITH: will come to look for your "Sampler Friday"each week.

This will help move your inventory and gets your customers ona wider range of our fabulous MK products!

From:Sherri Gattshall

sample friday tracking.pdf
here is tracking sheet i just created. i am going to start this today when we go to lunch!!!!!
i love this business!!!!!!

Vickie Willey wrote:

Would you like an inexpensive way to give samples to 30 people?Would you like to build to 300 or more customers?Did you know when you have 180 customers you will be an automatic Star Consultantjust from reorders?Would you like to get really good at talking to people?Would you like everyone to know you as "the Mary Kay lady?"This one idea does it!!


This is serious, and it is PERSONAL, and it is YOUR CHALLENGE.
This is how you are going to get new contacts, new sales, and develop your networking skills. This is not an option for those of you who say you want to grow your business. I am CHALLENGING you to put some action behind your words, Growth Group...to put the petal to the metal. SAMPLER FRIDAY is your challenge for the next 4 Fridays.

Denise Gunnel-O'Brien writes, "We should ALL have a goal to have 1200 clients on our PCP list! I have had over 1500 clients on my computer. People that I have serviced over the last 12 years. However, I have never had that many on the Preferred CustomerList!! Kudos to Dudas!! Love ya Deb! Thanks for sharing how you did it!!"
Love, Denise

From: Dee Beckham
Thank you Kimberly for sharing this idea.

I do MK full time and this idea makes me ALMOST (but not quite) want a JOB.Have you heard of Sampler Friday? Its when every Friday you have a smallbasket on your desk with samples of only one of our products. Each Friday thesample changes. People get excited about coming by your desk on Friday justto see what the sample that week is. The person originating this ideasuggested that you select the next 4 Friday's products and order a few extraof them in your next order so you are sure to have them on hand when peopleorder after trying it. My most effective sample that I give out is for theVisible-Action Skin Revealing Lotion, a 25 sample for a $20 sale isn't a bad return.
I have a team member that is the "center" of her office normally, but nowthat she is doing this, she says it is SO hard to get anything done on Fridaymornings because of everyone coming by.

"Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones tend to take care of themselves." Dale Carnegie
WOW...this plan is so very workable. AND, I would say it is achievable for anyone with the desire (based on Deb's "job" schedule when she started!)
I AM SOOOO EXCITED...how about YOU?!
A moment is all it will take for you toleave a message on Facebook www.facebook.com/lgleason, email me lgleason@marykay.com, call or text the hot line 651-592-8442, or put a message in the Guest Book on the leftand to let me know that YOU ARE going to accept the Sampler Friday Challenge and Make a MOVE! Love You!