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Get out of the mentality that you must book A CLASS for AN EVENING!  People don't live that way anymore! 


Here are a few booking idea times:

1. A LUNCH BUNCH makeover at an office!  It is simple enough to get 3-5 people in an office break room to do a quick lunch time makeover while eating!  These have to be quick, though!  You must be completely through in an hour, so be prepared to move quickly!

2. An AFTERWORK get together at someone's home at about 5:30!

3. A classroom party for teachers at 3:00 or 3:30!

4. A mom's day out at a park!  Take warm washcloths in an insulated bag!  You can visit a park with YOUR kids, get some names and plan to come back the next day to hold the makeovers!  Hire a sitter to watch everyone's kids!

5. Clubs and other activities that women do often are opportunities to book!  Do you know someone who is part of a scrapbooking club?  Wouldn't it be fun for the women to have a makeover first, TAKE PICTURES of the event and then come back another week to scrapbook those pictures!

6. Capitalize on women who are in to self improvement!  Find them at the fitness centers, the hairdressers, the weight loss places!  After you approach them, BOOK THEM for a definite day and time!  Have your datebook with you and FOLLOW UP WITH A POST CARD!
Get creative!!!  Think outside the box for booking opportunities!  Wherever there are women, there are BOOKINGS!

Marsha Morrissette