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Drawing Box for Girls Night Out.. Missy Anderson

Booking Drawing Boxes

1. Find a Theme:

-Ladies Night

?Win an evening of pampering for you and your girlfriends!?

-May Day Baskets

?Win a May Day Basket full of Mary Kay Goodies!?

-Enter to Win a Gift Certificate

You can do any theme! Be creative! What would you like to win?

2. Create a Flyer and Display Box!


You will need to create a Flyer with a Title, short description of prize, date of drawing, a fun picture to go with your theme. Also I would add to my flyer, ?Must be 18 or older to enter.?


I wrap a kids shoe box in contact paper- Pink of course! But you can choose anything you want. I add a little bling and a flower to my box!


-Fish bowl ? I found one at the dollar store and wrapped a pink ribbon around it. (Negative: peoples information is not covered/private)

-Display: I put out my flyer with my box next it, I put my business cards out and my ?prize drawing? cards next to it. **Those will be available on Marsha?s site later- you can go to any OfficeMax and print them on cardstock and cut them there! You can get about 100 drawing cards for about $2!

3. Finding a place to put your box:

-Dry cleaners


-Nail shop

-Tanning Salon

-Coffee Shop

4. How to approach a store:

- I get Mary Kay ready- I choose to wear my Beauty Coat, but a dress or skirt is fine! I grab my box, flyer and cards and I Simply say:

? Hi! I?m Missy, with Mary Kay and I?m having Customer appreciation Week! Could I put a fun ?Ladies night? Drawing box in your store?


?Ok, great! Where?s a good spot I can put this??

**Let them know they can enter themselves and that the employees are welcome to as well!

Let them know when you will be back to get the box!

5.How long to do a drawing:

-Really its up to you- I have had a lot of success with just Friday to Sunday drawings. But I have also had success with Monday to Sunday. Whatever works for you!

**Always put 2-3 boxes out at once!

6. Calling/booking

- I choose to call everyone in my box; they are all winners in this case! I first get a notebook and I make a list of all the names and contact information. I leave a little space to write my note of what I talked to them about, or if I left a message.

-Calling: When I call the winner I Say:

?Hello is _______ there?? Yes. ?Hi this is Missy with Mary Kay and I am calling because you are the winner of Ladies Night! Congratulations! Do you have a minute so I can give you the Details?


?OK great! You have won a pampering session for you and 6 girlfriends! You will have a 3 step hand treatment, facials and a evening filled with games and Fun! What works better weekdays or weekends??

Weekday?s works best

?ok, evening or afternoon??

And then I book a date or a temporary date for her to use to ask her Girlfriends with!

You need to Coach them through this let them know the next step, let them know you will contact them in a few days to get a guest list for ladies night!

**Ladies Night and other themes similar are a great way to book Parties! I have had so much fun with this, you truly go into it to have a ladies night of pampering!

What has gone wrong/Advice:

-Put your business card on your drawing box/ belongings

-Have lots of drawing slips out at each box, you want to have enough.

-Throw a few slips in your box so it appears others have entered.

- Again be sure to put 18 years or older on your flyer!

***Last, have fun with this! There are so many things you can create! Thank you ladies for your time this evening I have enjoyed sharing this with all of you! And you will be able to find all of this information on Marsha?s Site!