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Here are a few good ideas on how to sell the roll up bags!
- Place a filled roll up bag for each woman on their chair before they arrive. It's really important to get the products into there hands.
-Have a Beauty Essentials placemat under their mirror so that they can see the value of the buying the sets  
-Women need to try 80% of the products to see the value in buying the entire roll up bag. Make sure that you go through Satin Hands, Time Wise, Eye Deal and Lip Saver set, cheek and lip color. 
- At the table close I have my hostess come up and play Vanna White and help romance the products for the guests. She pulls each product out of the bag and I give more info on the product and the price. I make sure to drive home the fact that they can have everything in this bag for less than $1 a day!
-At the one on one close I put the roll up in their lap and ask them what would they take home today if money was no object. I close my mouth and wait! See what she says. 9 times out of 10 if you have romanced the bag she will say "well, I love this great bag". Bingo! Work with her from that point to show her how can take the bag home with her (payment plan, become a hostess, etc.)
Many consultants have $1000 days when they focus on the roll ups. Getting the women "into" the bag is key. I hope this info helps!  
Natalie Cornelison