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From: NSD Dawn A. Dunn
Check out this AWESOME AWESOME idea!
   Implement for great results!   I LOVE it!

 Cross Confirmation Script    by Bill Cantrell
This method gathers information from guests to feedback to the hostess which makes it incredibly difficult for her to postpone!

To Book  Hostess Prospects, Say:

What would I need to offer you to make it worth your while to get on the phone and contact your friends/family and then get your guest list back to me in a day or two?  

Negotiate the product & terms.

When she gets back to you w/ names & numbers within 24-48 hours, proceed with:

Tell me a little something about each guest.   What do YOU believe would be her reason for coming?

Call the Guest.

Hi, this is __(you)___.   Im ___(the hostess)___s consultant for Thursday nights class.   Do you have a minute?   Great!   She said you were planning to come because  ( youre a good friend, or you always love to look your best and are really into looking sharp, or whatever was your friends reason.).    That will make this so fun for both of you.

Im hoping youll get something out of this class that is JUST FOR YOU.   In addition to what the hostess told me, tell me, what is YOUR reason for wanting to come?    Is there any special skincare need or glamour issue that I can make sure I address for you?

(jot down what she says on a profile; list the MK items that support her issues.   Customize her profile, and then later pull the items that apply to this request to take along to the class to showcase in front of her tray at the class).   At the class when she arrives, shell see her profile and know where to sit.   You could say at that point to her:   Based on how you expressed your concerns, I went to my personal inventory and hand-selected these items just for you.   Ive showcased them in front of your  tray for your consideration.)   (Can you see how special this will make her feel?)  

At the end of the class at her personal closing, you could say: Would you like to get these personalized items?


Say to hostess:   (in a fun way).
First of all, I want you to know Im mad at you.   I didnt know your guests would be so excited to come to your class.

Your first guest said she cant wait to get her dark circles fixed.
Your second guest said shes dying to have a fun night out with the girls!
Your third guest is eager to try our products for oily skin         Etc.

I dont know how to tell you this, but I think your class will turn out a whole lot better than we thought.   Since your class is going to be such a huge success---is there anybody else who might like to get in on the fun?   If youd be willing to get back on the phone to get your class from 3 up to 6, Id be willing to offer you another. (special hostess gift that would appeal to her.   Perhaps a product that completes a set, or whatever!)  

Do you see how this will: 
1) Confirm your class & lock in the hostess!   Plant positive expectations and commitment!
2)  Double your class size if shes willing to go one step further!

Be sure that you have your hostess credit contingent on the following:
1)   Must get guest list with phone numbers  to you within 24-48 hours to count
2)  Must hold on original date
3)   Guests must be 18 or older and not have a current MK consultant servicing them.

Suggestions to offer hostess:   $25 in free product,   a personal discount for HER based on how many guests shows up that evening   (ex:  gets 30% off any MK items for having 3 guests there,   50% for 5 guests.    50% is the max she can earn)!, the SHOT idea, etc.

Build trust/rapport with your guests on your own.   This can always lead to another booking later if for some reason they cant come.

The key is follow-up!!!!!!

It takes 7 layers to reach the subconscious and influence your buying decision!