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As soon as the Agreement is completed, schedule your Team Member for New Consultant Orientation.  You want her to be at Orientation as soon as possible.

If you are local, New Consultant Orientation is usually on Monday nights at 5:30 before Monday Night Live Training.  Check the "calendar of events" to make sure of location, day and time.  Help your Recruit print off the pages from "NEW CONSULTANTS: Start Here" page in the Training Center.  We will go over them at Orientation.  Let her know to wear a skirt or dress, and what to expect.  If she has children, be sure you tell her that it is a business meeting for adults only.  No children.  Pick her up if at all possible.  If she is coming straight from work, you might want to go through the drive-thru on the way or bring a sack lunch.  You will bring a Satin Hands Travel Size Set as a gift that she can use for her Satin Hands Challenge.  Also, bring a Mary Kay Logo Pin that you will pin her with during her pinning ceremony.  Bring notebook and pen to take notes during Orientation.  If your Recruit is truly unable to attend the next week's Orientation then we need to schedule a Conference Call right away.  But this is the last resort.  It is much better to have her come to Training!!  Expect it!   Most people are able to change their schedule for a one-time event.  Tell her how important it is, and that you want her to meet the other Consultants and see the new products or experience the training. 

If she can not drive to Forest Lake (or the local Orientation), then we need to schedule a Conference Call.  Contact me as soon as possible to determine a day.  The goal is to do Orientation within 48 hours of getting the Agreement.  Then you will want to pin her at your local adopted meeting as soon as possible.

If you live out of the Forest Lake area and do your own Pinning Ceremony you might want to get some ideas from what we use at Monday Night Live.  I print it on stationary that has a picture of a red rose down the left had side, and I give them a red silk rose sprayed with eau de parfum.  CLICK HERE for the oath.