Earn your MBA at MKU!

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When you need to turn in a Voucher and you can’t locate one... this one will ALWAYS work!
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For you:
Book Coach Sell Recruit...

Keep a list of your prospects and the activities they have completed.  Remember this is a layering process.  Once they have had a Facial, listened to a Tape, been a Guest at a meeting or event, been Interviewed and asked for a decision.  Then move on!  Put them on your Top Customer list and give them great service, invite them to guest events, mention that you think they'd be great when they reorder, but move on.  Here is a CHART from Darlene  Rutledge that you can use to keep track of your next step...

For your Recruit:
Welcome Packet in Training Center,
New Consultant Orientation,
Pinning Ceremony,
Satin Hands Challenge,
Debut/Grand Opening,
Career Essentials Training,
Power Start, 