Earn your MBA at MKU!

Everything from Booking to becoming a DIQ... it's all available. This is one power packed educational tool!
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®, click on Education > MKUniversity


Are you a member of our Lucky Stars Group on Facebook? If not, send me a friend request www.facebook.com/lgleason
Generic Voucher
When you need to turn in a Voucher and you can’t locate one... this one will ALWAYS work!
Click here to link to our VOUCHER

This is the information you will need if you are working a Booth with our Unit.  If you are working with another Unit, other Directors may do things differently as far as cost and dividing time and names, but the general information will still be the same.

I heard a great idea from another Director... everyone wears the black Mary Kay lab coat ane a black skirt, so they look professional and alike!  I love it!  That's what I'm going to wear.

If you have a laptop or netbook that you can get online with, bring it.  If there is wifi available it is always profitable for us to be able to show them the Virtual Makeover and Personal Profiler.

Information and Answers


Holiday Homemakers Event

Sign Up Slips
Sign Up Slips 2

$10 Gift Certificates 

You can call the entries first or mail them a gift certificate first.  Both work!  But the sooner you contact them the better.  Here is a script for the phone call.  If you call them first you only need to modify it a little, but whatever you do be EXCITED!  Remember EVERYONE who does NOT already have a MK Consultant gets at least a free facial!