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Tic Tac Toe

From: Connie in NC - Has anyone tried this approach...It was in our Career Conference packets. It was the one where you send a letter to your customers offering them free products for referrals. The tic tac toe grid contains a place for 9 names, phone numbers and a free product for each name. When the person holds an appointment you give the person that gave you the referral the product under the name. I sent out 7 letters and grids, I got 1 grid back, which of course is 9 names and numbers. I started calling them last night. I got ahold of 3 of them and booked 3 facials for next week. I told them that I was putting together a makeover portfolio and the person that told me about them had said they were really sharp looking and would make a great model for my portfolio. Of course I assumed they would say yes and immediately asked what would be a good time for us to get together...Going to make more calls today.... I use that tic tac toe referral sheet at my classes. ... and I tell them whoever fills out at least 5 squares will get a free nail polish (complete with phone numbers, of course). That's one good way of getting rid of the previous nail colors. Have the nail colors in a clear vinyl bag or a basket on the table. That way you don't have to worry about postage.   

From: Tiffany -  I just gotta CROW!!!! I just recently started selling rather than being a personal use consultant... and at a small class of only three women I got 27 referrals!!! I have started calling and almost all have booked in November!!!!!! I am so happy; I can't believe what a wonderful job this is!!! 

I use the time while the mask is drying to pass out a tic-tac-toe. I have all nine gifts in a vinyl bag with iridescent shred in it. I explain the purpose of the game and romance each product they can win. My nine gifts are: a satin hands sampler, a lip gloss, a nail color, a journey miniature or an elige mini, a hand cream, a black cosmetics bag, two spaces with eye colors, and one space with a color compact. I also offer each person who books a $5.00 gift certificate in their friends name. When I call I say: hello can I speak to ______. Hi, you don't know me my name is Tiffany Roberts I am a professional beauty consultant. I recently met your friend_______ at a skin care class/facial. She had so much fun she entered your name for a free facial and 5.00 gift certificate. ________ thought you really deserved to be pampered - and it would be my pleasure to meet you and give you a free facial and makeover! I hope this helps! Tiffany "NEW" senior consultant!!!!  I don't give the prizes until after the classes hold! 

Use at your appointments, mail them out, or slip them in your reorder bags...