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Have you ever stopped to evaluate your class/facial close?

Is your appointment average over $50 a person?

Do you spend too much time at the end of the class?

Would you like to have $1000 classes?

Here is my advice to you......


What you do during the class is pretty simple....put the Cleanser on, wash it off. Here's your moisturizer, put that on.....does that feel great? etc..... But where the sales are lost are at the end.  This is not about tricking someone into buying something they didn't want......it's about helping them make the best decision for them because they do want and just don't know how to get it or they need to be made comfortable in the purchasing process.  

A Bug man came by today trying to sell me a service to kill off spiders and ants, etc.  I have wanted to call someone about this but I didn't want to be taken advantage of.  I asked for referrals and they are to contact me.  If he had some names right then, I would have quickly called one or maybe not any of them but just knowing that he was willing to give me a name would have given him more credibility.  I needed to feel comfortable with the sale to buy 5 treatments of $85 for a year.  I'd be willing to spend $425 for the year to not walk through another spider web....I hate that.  But he didn't close the sale because I wasn't comfortable even though I want the product he was selling.

So here are a few tips on how to create a solid close for YOU!!!

  1. Make a transition from makeover to sales with something simple like, "ok, now it's time to go shopping.  Let me share my 'sale rack' with you but the entire MK store is in the book for your shopping." 
  2. Be sure that you told them of your payment plans at the beginning with something like, "You are getting the opportunity today to try the MK products before buying, but do remember that you are under no obligation to purchase today.  However, if you do get tempted and there are some items that you would like then I do have on-the-spot delivery for most everything plus I take charge/check/cash and I have a variety of payment options.  Basically, if there is something you want.....I'll find a way for you to get it even if it's free."
  3. Remind them of your payments again at the end.  This helps open their mind to possibly wanting something because if they thought it was cash-only and they had no cash then they won't be listening to.
  4. Create your 'sale rack' with sets that excite you!!  A few ideas on how to market the roll-up bag are.....1) complete bag for only $299  2) break it down into buy ___sets and get ___ set free or half-price, etc 3) my favorite it to break it into 3 basic sets of the Miracle for $99---Goddess on the Go for $199 (Miracle plus Color 101 and bag free) -----or the Complete-I want it ALL for $299.  BUT the most important point is that it excites without giving away too much.......you'd buy it at that price.  And if they buy items individually, then I don't give anything except maybe a free brush --otherwise why would they buy a set?  Don't feel like you HAVE to give something for buying........they are getting the #1 Brand!
  5. Now get good at describing your sets and your sale of the today....romance it and be excited about!  Your per person sales will increase!!
  6. Have a roll-up bag for each person to shop through--give it to them when you say -this is my sales rack---yours to shop through and take out anything you can live without and then we will customize the bag for you.  They hold the bag with all the stuff in it but the colors and they will want it.  Your sales will double with this technique...proven over and over again!!!!!
  7. I like to ask 3 questions and they write the answers on the back of the profile card so that I have the answers at home....
    1. At your second facial when we check up on your skincare, would you like to make it a Girl's Night Out and have some friends join you?
    2. If you had a million dollars, which set appeals to you the most---Miracle/Goddess/I-want-it-all set?
    3. Write YES, OK and NO for the last question and circle the one that is right for you.........Circle yes, if you would like to take home some MK Business information because you are interested in learning more.  Circle ok, if you aren't interested but would be willing to help me with my training and interview with me and my Director over the phone for 20 min....as a thank you, you get one item at half-price.  Circle no, if you aren't interested in the MK business, you aren't interested in a half-price item and you aren't interested in helping me out.
  8. You want to talk to each woman individually in a different room if possible.  Bring the roll-up bag and her bag plus profile etc.  Then go over these 3 questions with her.  If #1 is yes, book her for her class but don't talk about the hostess credit yet...just give her a hostess packet.  if no then, book her to me a model at a meeting (you don't have time for individual second appointments).  For #2, no matter what she puts offer her that set plus the next one down like this,  "I see that you'd like the All set if you had money to burn, but since you probably don't then do you want it all and splurge or maybe go with just the Goddess tonight.......which ever you decide is fine with me?"  Then keep quiet until she decides.  Pick out her colors and then ask, "how did you want to pay for this-check, cash, charge or my payment plan?"  Don't skip the yes-ok-no and be sure to send her home with a tape, book her for a practice interview because she probably won't say no.....half-price item is after the interview.

Plan your work-work your plan or even better said, "if you fail to plan then you planning to fail!!!"  $1000 weeks are planned and it could be happening to you ever week..........do you plan it???  Do you have solid class close? 


So much more to share but if you work on these points then you will see a dramatic increase in your appointment average!!!  Happy Sales to YOU!!!

With Stars in My Eyes for YOU!!
Julie Potts
$400,000 Cadillac Director


$1000 weeks are a girl's best friend!!
www.unitnet.com/mkpotts for training
www.marykay.com/jpotts for shopping
$800,000 Unit Club in 2004!!!


"because the LORD your God will bless you
in all your produce and in all the work of your hands,
so that you will be altogether joyful."   -Deut 16:15