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15 ways to finish your Star

15 ways to finish your Star.


. You have a choice to make.

1.)             You can choose to let the next 2 weeks go without taking your profit and put everything you sell towards that Star.   TO balance things out  you would want to continue working the following 2 weeks and take it all as profit.  
        Goal would be to sell $1,800 in next 2 weeks for your Star..and then Sell another r$1,800 in the following 2 weeks for your profit.

2.)                    You can break that down.. Sell $900 a week for the next 2 weeks..and ORDER.

3.)                    Followed by 2 weeks of selling $900/week and taking     your profit.

 please let me make an injection here.. I am only focusing this on a consultant who has a FULL inventory of $3600 whls. or more.( Less than that you wont want to take your profit until you build it up to $3,600)


4.)             OR . You can choose to  sell $1,800 each week for the next 2 weeks..  take your profit each week..and order with the other 50%. 


Now the choice you make will  determine your weekly activity level and the selling activities that you will be doing.


1.) Lets look at selling $900 a week for 4 weeks ( 1st 2 weeks to finish your Star . 2nd 2 weeks for profit)

What activities could you do to generate those kind of sales.. if you have NOTHING on your books right now and you also only had 10 customers in your customer file.


Call the 10 to schedule Winterizing your Skin session on phone or face to face.

Normal to dry SET..

 Intense Moisturizing Cream,  $30, 

Firming Eye Cream  $30 

Extra emollient Night Cream  $13

Satin Lip Set  $18
Satin Hands  $30

Targeted action toning lotion  $28

Total..$149   Special offer with this you may get the  Half price Timwise Replenishing Serum +C  & Free Roll up bag

  Total money in pocket..  $176



Combination to oily set

Same as above..but Oil Free Hydrating gel.. rather than Intense Moisturizing cream.


Special offer with this you may get the  Half price Timwise Replenishing Serum +C  & Free Roll up bag

  Total money in pocket..  $176




They can just take the $149 Set

Or they can pick and choose any items they want.


   Pretty sure everyone will want at least $75.   soooooooooooooo   10 women at $75 ( even if it is an appointment held on the phone) is $750 in sales!!!  (Dont stop .. keep doing it it is the greatest need you can fill right now!!)


#2.  Call 10 men and tell them you would lOVe to be their personal shopper this year.  You help them select and gift wrap.   Have they gotten her Pillow gift yet?   If 10 men buy $50.. you have $500


#3.  Demo the satin hands on 5 people each week.  If 5 buy.. $150


#4.  Give 5 customers a look book and challenge them to be a silent hostess and sell 1 thing to 10 different women.  $100 per  hostess and you will have $500 in sales


#5.  Hold a Pink Saturday last minute Christmas drawing.  Everyone who orders on that day goes into a drawing and someone gets their entire order at 50% off.    If only 5 women order $50 EACH.. You will have $250 day.


#6.  Hold a Holiday Glamour party at your home..and call until you get 6 guests to come.  ( they can bring a friend if they like)  $300 average sales


#7.  Take a basket into anywhere you have done business and let them know you realize they are busy and it may be difficult getting out to do their Christmas shopping.  Station where you get your oil changed,  Dental office has he finished his or her gift shopping for his employees and family.. You gift wrap, Car dealerships,   $125


#8.  Select your Christmas gifts for your family from your MK inventory.  They LOVE getting MK.  Pay yourself cost of the product and use that towards your Star.  $100


#9. Hold a Neighborhood Christmas Stop and shop..and also invite some of your clients. NO one bought everything they wanted 3 weeks ago at your open house. Since then there are some people she remembered she had yet to buy for.  5 Buy $75   $375



#10.  Be open minded to serving people


#11.  Adopt a grandparent in a nursing home.  Tell everyone at your parties that you are doing this.  Would they be interested in sponsoring one of the Night Cream/ slipper sets for  $12.  If you sold 10 of those you would have $120


#12.  Have a daily sales goal..$120 A DAY.  Stretch each day to reach $ you will be finished 2-3 days early.  Now set that same goal for the 1st 15 days of the new Quarter Dec 31st.


#13.  Start your Hair Color profolio.. 5 blondes, 5 bruneettes, 5 grey fox, 5 black ebony, 5 highlighed.  Ask they them to bring a friend with the Same color hair.   $75 per face.  5 faces..  $375



#14.  Hold 2 New years Eve  Holiday Glamour party.. Bring along their New Years eve outfitand you can match colors. 

          $300 per party.. so $600 total



#15.  Inventory your products for year end now..and order the items you need to fill in so that on Jan 1st you can be off and running.. I challenge you to have 10 new you for the New year parties on your books.  Or 10 winterizing Your Skin Parties.  Themselves and 4 adults friends. 

2011 Hostess credit $100 in MK products for only $20.11


 If you did the 1st 13 items on the list with the minimum sales I quoted you would have $3,445  in sales well over what you needed to achieve your Sapphire.


NOW focus on the last 2 weeks of Dec.   New you for New Year appointments.  Do 10 faces.  $750 ( minimum)


 You can do this


I believe that when you have a dream in your heart and you are open to working and being creating..and doing it with joy and peace you will get it done and love every minute of the journey.


Challenge. Be willing to temporarily inconvenience your self to convenience yourself for a life time.