Time Management Training with Executive Senior MK Sales Director Jen Semelsberger
Starting this week, please bring the below Accountability Sheet to the meeting every week!
Click below for your weekly plan sheet:
This is what CHANGED my Mary Kay business forever...
I got the plan sheet working for me!
Getting the Markers out and SEEING
what I was really doing with my time~~
Based on Colors used HERE~~
Brown -- JOB Time
Yellow -- Church Time
Blue -- Family Time
Pink -- MK Office Time
(A consultant should only need 1 hour per week in her "office."
Are you wasting time organizing product? You don't make money in your office!)
Green -- Skin Care Classes & Interviews (This is where you make money!)
Black - Phone time
(We don't like it, but we must do it! Sunday nights are great for planning your
week, making phone calls to confirm or book appointments and follow up with customers.
Do not miss a Sunday power hour. This is the most important part of your week.
YOU have to have a plan and confirmed appointments!)
Red -- Personal Time |