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Scavenger Hunt for Models for Portfolio & HOT MAMMA POrtfolio

've had such GREAT responses for my portfolio. I even had to add some categories for people!!! I honestly have some of the best friends in the world!

I am still looking for a couple models who fit specific professions. If you know someone that would fit a category you can tag them! Or, if it fits you, let me know!!

You/They will receive $20 in FREE Mary Kay products just for being in my portfolio!!!

4. Friendly Cashier
6. Bookkeeper
7. Bank Teller
10. Accountant
13. Office Manager
14. Mail Carrier
16. Barista
19. Pharmacist
20. Physical Therapist
21. Vet
23. Psychologist
24. Speech Pathologist
25. Nail Technician
26. Lawyer
27. Event Planner
28. Bride-To-Be
29. Nanny
30. Insurance Agent
32. Sales Rep
33. Admin. Assistant
34. Paramedic
35. Architect
36. Chiropractor
37. Teaching Assistant

38. Personal Trainer

Hot Mammas!!

Photo: In honor of Mother's Day I am putting together a

In honor of Mother's Day I am putting together a "Hot Momma" Portfolio! I am declaring May ? Hot Momma Month! My goal is to pamper and celebrate all types of Moms!! Just for participating you and your Mom will receive a free facial, makeover and before & after photo to be featured in the portfolio! You'll also receive a FREE Gift Certificate from me!

So, I am looking for...
1. S.A.H.M - Stay at Home Mom
2. W.F.H.M - Work From Home Mom
3. Military Mom
4. Mom of multiples (twins, triplets, etc.)
5. 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation Moms
6. New Moms (need lots of these - they deserve some pampering!)
7. Working Moms
8. Mom of all Boys
9. Mom of all Girls
10. Soon to be Moms
11. Stepmoms

12. Single moms

Please message me/comment on this status or tag a Momma you love if you don't already have a Mary Kay Consultant and would be interested in a little fun and FREE pampering in celebration of YOU or your mom! I also have a Special Mother's Day Gift for each Hot Momma who participates! Happy Hot Momma Month!!