How to have a $1000 Week.. notes from the Conference Call!! |
1000 Week Morrissette Family Challenge
How to have a $1000 ( yet this month!) Open your mind to seeing this as a probability in your life. You may have had many $1000 weeks in your career, you may never have achieved this in your career, or you may be brand new and have never held any appointments. It doesnt really matter. What matters is that you 1st.. Decide to do it I LOVE that this is a challenge that even a BRAND new consultant can achieve. I LOVE that no one has a head start over another. Everyone is EVEN. We ALLLL start at zero and build to $1000. I am going to cover 10 ways you can do this 1.) Sell 10 $125 Holiday Gift Certificates. They are $125 Gift Certificates that you sell for $100 ! What a Great deal for your friends, husbands and clients!! You can create your own gift certificate on your computer. Plastic Gift Cards are alllllll the rage! ( You may want to go in with 1, 2 or 3 other consultants to lower the price)
Your clients can use this Holiday Gift Certificate idea for themselves..to save money. Just think about some of those clients who love a discount, or someone from your party last week who didnt buy eveything she wanted. The Gift Certificate can be split up and used any way she likes. Personal and gift! ( she can redeem it at your Open House!) Husbands would LOVE to get this discount for Holiday shopping! 10 Sold = $1250 retail ..a Brand new Consultant and do this!
2.) Sell 10 12 Days of Christmas Tower of Gifts packages to men for their wives. Contact 10 men .. and tell them you are doing some some special calling today to help husbands get their Christmas Shopping done early so they can go into the Holidays destressed. And I have an idea that will make you a Hero to your wife. .. It is the 12 Days of Christmas Tower of Gifts. Your wife will get 12 gifts from you.. but wrapped by me. You can surprize her with 1 gift for each of the 12 days before Christmas.. with a very special gift on Christmas. I already know which products your wife loves and I would LOVE to put her Tower of Gifts together for you? ( or .. I have a ideas on what your wife would love) Is there any reason, you wouldnt want to be your wifes hero this Holiday season? ..wait for his response.. How Much: Packages ranging from $75.00 - $300.00 You can select 10 sold = $1000-$3000 Brand new consultant and do this.
3.) You can also sell 10 women a 12 days of Christmas Gift Tower for their daughter or daughter-in-law. I LOVE that we are making peoples lives easier. 10 sold = $1000-$3000 A Brand new consulant and do this!
4.) Take the Scent-Sational Fragrance Challenge from the company Or Better yet.. set your goal to sell 20 Bella Belara gift sets. You can call NOW to tell your friends, relatives and customers that these are Limited Edition and going like wild fire..and if they would like you to order them 1 or 2 for Holiday gifts they might want to let you know either now or ..in the next 24 hours. $980.00 Even a brand new consultant can do this!
5.) Hold a 2 day Fall/Holiday Open House .. Select 1 evening right after dinner and weekend morning or afternoon. If you can get just 10 women to stop by to see the new Holiday Products.. you will have between $500- $1000 in sales. Check out my Web site at www.unitnet.com/mighty on the home page for the Razzle Dazzle idea. You could name it the Razzle Dazzle Fall/Holiday Open House! Darling!!!!! Even a brand new consultant can do that!
6.) Hold 5 classes in a week for your clients to get both a Fall Update and do a little Holiday shopping. If each party is only $200 you will have a $1000 week. After all we OWE it to our clients to be sure they dont get into a rut. I always promise my customers that it is my job to be sure that NEVER happens so TWICE a year we get together! Even a brand new consultant can do that. Ask 5 friends to come and give their opinion of your Skin Care ..and if they bring along 2-3 friends with them.. your gift to them will be a FREE $80 Professional Brush Collection.
7. Call 20 current customers or 20 women you know in your life..and tell them about how fabulous the Brush Collection is.. and that you were really thinking she would LOVE it. They are going fast because they were just introduced.. would she like you to order her 1 .. or more for Holiday gifts? Our products are so quality and they deserve quality tools to apply them. Even a brand new consultant can do this!
8.)Sell $200 to 5 business for Holiday Employee Gifts. ( This could even be one of your Gift cards so the employee can meet with you, be pampered and select her own.) $1000..Even a brand new consultant can do this!
9. Hold a Giant Help a Cause Open House. 20% of all sales go to Mary Kays Charitable Foundation for breast cancer and Domestic Violence. 20 women coming and spending $50 is Even a brand new consultant can do this.
10. Hold 3 Lunch Fall Shopping Sprees in a week. Many offices will allow you to set up your products in a conference room..and you can have a ball sellling to women who are often cooped up in a building all day. If each lunch Shopping spree $200 that would be $600! Even a brand new Consultant can do that
******Do a combination of all of the above you would have anywhere from $9,600 - $15,000 in sales!
I would advise doing several of the ideas so that you are backed up. Never put all your eggs in 1 basket. Spread it out and work hard at what you are doing. Decide you are going to make this happen..
Your success will be determined by the sum of our efforts day in and day out. Imagine what can happen for you. Imagine how much easier you are making someones life. Make your $1000 week happen thru helping others 1st with the $1000 goal printed on paper. I believe in you!! Marsha